How to prevent string "NO" from displaying as false

How to prevent string "NO" from displaying as false

gvollandgvolland Posts: 3Questions: 2Answers: 0
edited November 2014 in DataTables 1.10

I have a table using ajax as the data source, array of arrays. One of the values in the dataset is the string "NO". (Language abbreviation for Norway). However, datatables is displaying the string as "false".

Is there an option to tell datatables to display the string rather than converting it to boolean?

menu.tables.picklists = $("#picklistsTbl").DataTable({
    "dom": "fi<'clear'><rt>lp",
    "scrollY": main.appSetup.appHeight()-275 + "px",
    "lengthMenu" : [[25,50,100,-1],[25,50,100,"ALL"]],
    "pagingType": "simple_numbers",
    "autoWidth": true,
    "language": {
        "emptyTable": "No Picklist Values Found"
    "ajax" : "/RAMP/cfcData/picklist.cfc?method=listAll",       
    "columns" : [
        {"title": "PicklistId"} 
        ,{"title": "Category"}      
        ,{"title": "Item"}                              
        ,{"title": "Description"}
        ,{"title": "Sort"}          
        ,{"title": "IsActive", "render": function(d,t,f) {if(d == 1){return "YES";} else {return "NO"}}}    
    }); //DataTables

Sample of data from Coldfusion cfdump:

    1   340
    2   lang
    3   NO
    4   Norwegian
    5   16
    6   1 


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