Filter based on column

Filter based on column

saravananmcasaravananmca Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

The following code i had used for calling my method to render the data,
I have more than 10 field. I need to make more than two or there drop down for filter the records.
When ever i changes the drop downlist the filter should be happen. I am newer to use datatable. Your suggestion
would be highly valuable to us.

var table;

$(function () {

table = $('#tblAbondmentDetailist').DataTable({
    serverSide: true,
    processing: true,
    ordering: false,
    pagingType: "full_numbers",
    pageLength: 5,
    ajax: {
        url: "/AbondmentDetail/GetAbondmentList/",
        type: "GET"
    columns: [
        { "data": "CustomerEmailId", "orderable": false },
        { "data": "OrderType", "orderable": false }


Customer Email Order Type



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