Show column filters but hide table

Show column filters but hide table

siemar14siemar14 Posts: 4Questions: 2Answers: 0

I am trying to have a simple "form" above my table which includes filtered columns as the input for the user. Once the user has selected values for their search, they click a submit button and the table will appear with their filtered data. The issue I am having now is that the filtered select column shows after I click submit versus before. Is there a way to show column filters but hide table based on the html submit button? I am using yadcf column filters


  • daniel_rdaniel_r Posts: 460Questions: 4Answers: 67
    edited March 2015

    You can load the table and init it as usual and init yadcf too, just set the style of the table (or its wrapper) with display: none and when clicking on the submit button use the jquery $('table or wrapper selector').show();

    b.t.w I have recently added a new feature called externally_triggered see it in action basically it will allow you to use the filters without actually filtering the table, and only after calling yadcf.exFilterExternallyTriggered function the table will actually triggered, scroll down on that showcase page to see the relevant code

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