sWidth equivalence for Height, sHeight?

sWidth equivalence for Height, sHeight?

zzzzzz Posts: 7Questions: 3Answers: 0


I'm using a datatable and I have set the rows width, but I'm trying to do the same for the height of the rows, and nothing seems to work.

What I have now:

"aoColumns": [
   {"aDataSort": [ 9, 0 ], sWidth: '20px'},   
   { sWidth: '10px' }, 
   {"aDataSort": [ 10, 4 ], sWidth: '10px' }, 
   { sWidth: '10px' },  
"bAutoWidth": false,

Does exist an equivalence for the Height of a row?? I haven't found anything aboyt sHeight....

I have tried with css and is not working for me in this case.

Anyone have had the same problem?
I want to set an exact height in px.

Thanks in advance!

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