Order alphabetical column visibility button columns pop up

Order alphabetical column visibility button columns pop up

globalshareplansglobalshareplans Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited April 2016 in Free community support

Before the Datatables upgrade to 1.10.*, we were able to order alphabetical the columns in the 'ColVis' button https://datatables.net/release-datatables/extensions/ColVis/examples/button_order.html .
But now, after the upgrade, I cannot found the way to do so.

Does anybody know if there is a way of doing that?

The buttons code looks like:

buttons: [
                 extend: 'columnVisibility',
                 text: 'Clear all',
                 visibility: false
                 extend: 'colvis',
                 columns: ':not(:last-child)'


  • globalshareplansglobalshareplans Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

    Hey! I've been investigating but still can't see how to get around this... Anyone can give me clue?

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