Changing the position of Buttons

Changing the position of Buttons

SKCSKC Posts: 33Questions: 10Answers: 0

I've added the Excel and Colvis buttons to the top-left corner of the datatable as follows :

Here's my script for the same :


         "dom": '<"top"lB>rt<"bottom"ip>',
         buttons: [
             extend: 'excel',
                 columns: ':visible'

I have 2 requirements :

1) I've been trying to move the buttons to the exteme right-side of the table(from their current position). I used the following css but was unsuccessful :

#searchResult.dt-buttons {

  float: right;


and this too :


Can anyone tell how can I move the Excel and ColVis button from their current position (which is left) to the exteme right?

2) Can I replace the buttons with icons (to improve the UI) and retain the same functionality.
For e.g) I insert an icon for Excel instead of a button..
How can I assign an icon the capabilities of the Default Excel button??

Thank you in advance.


  • SKCSKC Posts: 33Questions: 10Answers: 0
    edited December 2016

    Ok. Was able to solve my first issue with the following code :

    .dataTables_wrapper .dt-buttons {

    But unable to solve ,y second problem.

    I more question : How to cahnge the colour of these buttons??
    (Because inserting "background-color" inside the above css won't work as it's a wrapper)

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