Datatable colVis display wrong selection value when using yadcf

Datatable colVis display wrong selection value when using yadcf

Muhammad IzzatMuhammad Izzat Posts: 22Questions: 10Answers: 0
edited September 2017 in Free community support

Hello everyone, I'm using yadcf to filter my column my dataTable but for some reason its messing up with my colVis button, I have 2 dataTable in my html page, when a row is selected in the first table it will populate the second table using REST API, On load the colVis option is perfectly fine :

    <ul class="dt-button-collection dropdown-menu" role="menu" style="top: 139px; left: 492.875px;">
        <li class="active"><a href="#">ID</a></li>
        <li ><a href="#">Preview</a></li>
        <li class="active"><a href="#">Task</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Description</a></li>
        <li class="active"><a href="#">Priority</a></li>

but when I select another row it'll repopulate and any active field will have my row value in it, example :

    <ul class="dt-button-collection dropdown-menu" role="menu" style="top: 139px; left: 492.875px;">
        <li class="active"><a href="#">IDSelect valuex</a></li>
        <li ><a href="#">Preview</a></li>
        <li class="active"><a href="#">TaskSelect valuex</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Description</a></li>
        <li class="active"><a href="#">PrioritySelect valuex</a></li>

even worst it'll display all the value in my table into it. can anyone tell me how to fix this. any help is much appreciated.

Below is my code :

var workorder_table = $('#workorder_table').dataTable({
            dom: 'Blfrtip',
            JQueryUI: true,
            bPaginate: false,
            sScrollX: "100%",
            sScrollY: '180vh',
            scrollCollapse: true,
            destroy: true,
            paging: false,
            columnDefs: [
                {"searchable": false, width: 1, targets: 0},
                {width: 1, targets: 1},
                {width: 2, targets: 2},
                {width: 2, targets: 3},
                {width: 2, targets: 4},
                {width: 2, targets: 5},
                {width: 3, targets: 6},
                {width: 2, targets: 7}
            responsive: false,
            select: true,
            buttons: getDataTableButtons(),
            ajax: {
                url: workorder_path,
                dataSrc: ''
            columns: [
                {"data": "id", "class": "workorder_id id_padding-right "},
                    "data": "thumb", "class": "", "visible": false, "render": function (data, type, row) {
                    return `<a href=` + data + ` data-fancybox> <img onerror="this.src='/media/dashboard/default/photo.png'" src=` + data + ` width="80" height="45"> </a>`;
                {"data": "", "class": "task_name",},
                {"data": "description", "class": "", "visible": false},
                {"data": "priority", "class": "", "visible": true},
                    "data": "status", "class": "v-a-m ", "render": function (status, type, row) {
                    return `<div class="media media-auto">
                                                                    <div class="media-left">
                                                                        <div class="avatar">
                                                                            <img class="media-object img-circle status-icon-size"
                                                                                 src=${ status.image }
                                                                                 alt=${ }
                                                                                 title=${ }>
                                                                   <div class="media-body">
                                                                        <span class="media-heading">${ }</span>
                {"data": "start_date", "class": "", "visible": true},
                {"data": "duration", "class": "", "visible": true},
                    "data": "assign_to",
                    "class": "assign_to_padding-right ",
                    "defaultContent": "None",
                     "width": "400px",
                    "render": function (assign_to, type, row) {
                        if ((assign_to == null) || (assign_to == 'None')) {
                        else {
                            return `<div class="media media-auto">
                                                                <div class="media-left">
                                                                    <div class="avatar">
                                                                        <img class="media-object img-circle"
                                                                             src=${ }
                                                                             alt=${ assign_to.official_name }>
                                                                <div class="media-body">
                                                                    <span class="media-heading">${ assign_to.official_name }</span>
                                                                    <span class="designation">${ assign_to.designation.designation }</span>
                {"data": "creation_time", "class": "", "visible": false},
                {"data": "modified_time", "class": "", "visible": false},
                {"data": "", "class": "content_id ", "visible": false}
        }).yadcf([{column_number : 2},
                  {column_number : 3},
                  {column_number : 4},
                  {column_number : 5},
                  {column_number : 6},
                  {column_number : 7},
                  {column_number : 8}]);


  • Muhammad IzzatMuhammad Izzat Posts: 22Questions: 10Answers: 0

    I figure out the issue is because the select filter is placed in the header of the table therefore everything in it is listed in the colVis selection, how can I move the position of the filter to the first row

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