DataTables on a table with less headers than TDs

DataTables on a table with less headers than TDs

skalugerovskalugerov Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

Let's have this table for example -
It has less headers than TDs. This gives me the following error -

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'mData' of undefined
at HTMLTableCellElement.<anonymous> (jquery.dataTables.min.js:89)
at Function.each (jqueryMobile?v=bwRkGcG-EeBCg6lPzCRTxXuz2KCPioHc_CjAUHwu5H01:1)
at i.fn.init.each (jqueryMobile?v=bwRkGcG-EeBCg6lPzCRTxXuz2KCPioHc_CjAUHwu5H01:1)
at HTMLTableElement.<anonymous> (jquery.dataTables.min.js:89)
at Function.each (jqueryMobile?v=bwRkGcG-EeBCg6lPzCRTxXuz2KCPioHc_CjAUHwu5H01:1)
at i.fn.init.each (jqueryMobile?v=bwRkGcG-EeBCg6lPzCRTxXuz2KCPioHc_CjAUHwu5H01:1)
at i.fn.init.m [as dataTable] (jquery.dataTables.min.js:82)
at i.fn.init.h.fn.DataTable (jquery.dataTables.min.js:164)
at HTMLDocument.eval (eval at globalEval (jqueryMobile?v=bwRkGcG-EeBCg6lPzCRTxXuz2KCPioHc_CjAUHwu5H01:1), <anonymous>:20:29)
at l (jqueryMobile?v=bwRkGcG-EeBCg6lPzCRTxXuz2KCPioHc_CjAUHwu5H01:1)

Is there any workaround for this ? I don't need to sort by the header that has 3 columns, just the other ones.


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