Possible problem in documentation of Buttons and my greatfull for that awesome Plug-in

Possible problem in documentation of Buttons and my greatfull for that awesome Plug-in

omena88omena88 Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited April 2019 in Free community support

Hello i dont know how to talk with Allan, so i will tel a litle history
Im brazilian living in europe and merged in this new world of programmer since 6 months ago, and this Plug-in help me so much, i just wanna say thnz for that projject and thnz Allan in almost all my problems u are there in some comment or anything !!

so now i create my account to try give a some help,
on my job i have the problem to put custom buttons and how im really new in this world (programing) , when i put this code..

new $.fn.dataTables.Buttons( table, {
    name: 'copy'
} );

this not work for me, thats because we need to put that in ['copy'] so that is my litle help for any people who has the same problem!

here a simple example

var table = $('#users_table').DataTable();

            new $.fn.dataTable.Buttons( table, {
                name: 'commands',
                buttons: [
                    'copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'
            } );

Thnz everybody and sorry if i write anything wrong, i dont have a good english yet

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