internet explorer 7 error 0x7a

internet explorer 7 error 0x7a

dtUserdtUser Posts: 4Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited September 2011 in General

I found a problem with the ajax call in Internet Explorer 7. When the GET list is too long, IE7 GET method doesn't run (0 Sent, 0 Received) and an error is thrown: 0x7a "The data area passed to a system call is too small". But in all other browsers I've tested everything is just fine.

One solution could be to change in jquery.dataTables.js the ajax call from GET to POST. Look for "$.ajax(..." and add "type": "POST". I haven't fully tested it yet, I just saw it doesn't throw an error anymore, now I will adapt my ajax called script to use the POST vars.

Anybody else had this problem?
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