Multiple Lines of "No data available in table"

Multiple Lines of "No data available in table"

debeerdebeer Posts: 11Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited October 2011 in DataTables 1.8
DataTables V1.8.1 Fixed Columns V2.0.1

I have a number of tables on a single page. Each table starts out hidden under a concertina heading. When I open a concertina for which the table is empty, I can get multiple lines with content "No data available in table".

The number of lines depends on how many other tables also have no content, four lines if four tables are empty, 2 if only 2 etc.

Moreover, if I open and close empty-table concertinas, the number of lines of "No data available in table" start to proliferate - not too sure what the "math" behind the proliferation is.

Settings are:

[code]var initSettings = {"sScrollY":"400px","sScrollX":"98%","sScrollXInner":"","bScrollInfinite":true,"bScrollCollapse":true,"bPaginate":false,"bProcessing":true,"bAutoWidth":true,"bInfo":false,"bStateSave":true};
$(".hookan_display").dataTable( initSettings );

new FixedColumns( oTableGroups, {
"sHeightMatch": "auto",
"sLeftWidth": "fixed",
"iLeftWidth": 170,
} );

How can I limit the message to just a single line for each affected fixed-column table?
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