Individual Column Filtering w/ Multiple Tables

Individual Column Filtering w/ Multiple Tables

mmrkmmrk Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited December 2011 in DataTables 1.8
I've found posts covering the same topic but they don't shed enough light on the topic, also my problem could be more Jquery related. Below is my code pulled from the examples which use one table. So all I did was figure out which table i'm working with, initialize it, than try and filter against a column. Other than that the code is similar, only function/code that differs is below.

//Code gives correct column index for a table
$("tfoot input").keyup( function () {
var current = $(this).closest('table').dataTable(); //Get table of input + innitialize
current.fnFilter( this.value, $(this).closest('table').find("tfoot input").index(this) ); //Use the column index that relates to the current table
} );

I get JS errors:

k is undefined
[Break On This Error] b;a++)x(e,a,k[a])}a=0;for(b=e.aaSortin...d")];this.appendChild(a[0])}e.nTHead=
jquery....min.js (line 150)

e.aoPreSearchCols[b] is undefined
[Break On This Error] true;if(typeof b=="undefined"||b===nul...R(b)};this.fnSortListener=function(a,

I initialize all tables at once and don't store them, there are multiple tables each with the ability to filter individual columns. If anyone has code examples or a working solution let me know, it would be appreciated.
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