Getting a list of all null values.

Getting a list of all null values.

imhalfpirateimhalfpirate Posts: 9Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited January 2012 in DataTables 1.8
EDIT: solved it. the aoColumns I generated was an array and wasn't JSON. To make it JSON I outputted the array to string: [code] array.toString[/code] then added some brackets: [code]var string = "[" + arrayString + "]"[/code] then converted it to JSON: [code]var JSONObj = JSON.parse(arrayString)[/code]
so aoColumns looks like [code]"aoColumns": JSONObj[/code]
It's a little dirty right now but I'll be cleaning it up. Hope this helps someone if they want to make several identical datatables with some added plugins and features.

The page I'm working on is going to have several similar Datatables, so I'm building a plugin will call the table and dynamically fill in the options values that I need to build the datatables such as the sAjaxSource and aoColumns. Well I have the correct sAjaxSource but my generated aoColumns is causing the Datatable to fill up with the correct amount of rows and columns but all the values are null. The JSON I'm returning does not have null values and I'm coming up lost to what the exact problem may be. Possibly a formatting error?
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