Column sorting clones the header somehow...

Column sorting clones the header somehow...

cgencercgencer Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited April 2013 in Bug reports
Here is my debug link:
I've got one table initialised, with several plugins activated as in the sDom string: '<"H"Tlfr>t<"F"ip>'
I had column reorder and visibility also on this package. with/without them, it still gives a strange header row duplication error on the first click on the sortable headers. The error is:
TypeError: o.aoColumns[iVis] is undefined
nThs[i].style.width = o.aoColumns[iVis].sWidth;
on line 3255 of dataTables.js (uncompressed). Can you give me a clue on this?
thanks a lot...


  • cgencercgencer Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    solved. it has to do with my injections into the rendered table, which broke the rendering cycle a bit.
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