Upgrading to DataTables 1.6 from 1.5

For the most part, DataTables 1.6 is a drop in replacement for DataTables 1.5. However, there are a number of points to be aware of:

Common upgrade issues

  • Server-side processing: The parameter "iSortDir_" has been renamed "sSortDir_" to reflect the fact that it is a string.
  • The fnPageChange plug-in that used to be on the plug-in API page, has now been removed and supplanted by an internal function of the same name, but different parameters! fnPageChange.

Plug-in changes for developers

  • Pagination plug-ins need to be updated to take account of the fact that the fnInit function now takes three parameters. The built-in functions and the once provided on the plug-ins page have all been updated to account for this.
  • oSettings.fnDrawCallback has been renamed to oSettings.aoDrawCallback in order to provide a hook for internal functions to run when the draw is complete.

Other than this - it should be plain sailing!