dataTable not showing Loading after ajax.reload

dataTable not showing Loading after ajax.reload

shahbourshahbour Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited October 2014 in Free community support


i am trying a simple example that do fetch data from json , and it is working great .

My only issue is that when i do reload , it is not showing the loading and direclty showing the result.

I read that it was an issue in 1.10.0 and i did update to 1.10.3 but still same issue.


<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css" />
<input id="fromDate" value="20141008 00:00:00" />
<button id="btnSearch">Search</button>
<br />
<table id="cdrGroup"
class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">
<th class="align-left">Attempts </th>
<th class="align-left">Connected </th>
<th align="right">Duration </th>
<th align="right">ASR </th>
<th align="right">ACD </th>
<th align="right">NER </th>
<th align="right">BUY </th>
<th align="right">SELL </th>
<th align="right">GP </th>
<th class="align-left">Attempts </th>
<th class="align-left">Connected </th>
<th align="right">Duration </th>
<th align="right">ASR </th>
<th align="right">ACD </th>
<th align="right">NER </th>
<th align="right">BUY </th>
<th align="right">SELL </th>
<th align="right">GP </th>

<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function($) {
    var oTable1 = $('#cdrGroup')
        "ajax" : {
            "url" : "/group/daily",
            "type" : "GET",
            "dataSrc" : "",
            "data": function ( d ) {
                d.fromDate = $("#fromDate").val();
                d.toDate = '20141010 23:59:59'
                d.customerId = -1;
                d.vendorId = -1;
        "columns" : [ { "data" : "id" }, 
                      { "data" : "startDate",
                        "type": "date"
                      { "data" : "dayHour" },
                      { "data" : "customer" },
                      { "data" : "vendor" },
                      { "type" : "num-fmt" , "data" : "attempts" },
                      { "data" : "connected",
                        "type" : "num-fmt"  
                      { "data" : "duration" },
                      { "data" : "asr",
                        "render" : function ( data, type, full, meta ) {
                            return numeral(data).format('0.00%');
                      { "data" : "acd",
                        "render" : function ( data, type, full, meta ) {
                            return numeral(data).format('0,0.00');
                      { "data" : "ner" }, 
                      { "data" : "buy",
                        "render" : function ( data, type, full, meta ) {
                            return numeral(data).format('$0,0.00');
                      { "data" : "sell",
                        "render" : function ( data, type, full, meta ) {
                                return numeral(data).format('$0,0.00');
                        "data" : "gp",
                        "render" : function ( data, type, full, meta ) {
                            return numeral(data).format('$0,0.00');
       "columnDefs": [
                         "render": function ( data, type, row ) {
                                return numeral(data).format('0,0');
                             "targets": [ 5 , 6 ]
                      { "render": function ( data, type, row ) {
                                return numeral(data).format('0,0.00');
                             "targets": [ 7 ]
                      { "visible": false,  "targets": [0 , 2 , 3 , 4 ] },
                      { className: "align-right", "targets": [ 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 ] }
        bAutoWidth : false,


     $("#btnSearch").click(function () {

            oTable1.ajax.reload(function ( json ) {
               // $('#myInput').val( json.lastInput );
            } );




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