TableTools new initialisation with individual column searching

TableTools new initialisation with individual column searching

bunny183bunny183 Posts: 6Questions: 2Answers: 0
edited February 2015 in Free community support

Hello. The closest I could find is this one but I'm using the new initialisation and I have no idea how or where to put the codes.

Here's my js code

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
        var dataTableOptions = {
            //Auto sort column
            "order": [[1,'asc']],

            //Disable sorting with class no-sort
            "columnDefs": [
                { targets: 'no-sort', orderable: false }

            "bLengthChange": false,
            "bFilter": true,
            "bInfo": false,
            "bAutoWidth": false 

        var tableToolsOptions = {
            "sSwfPath": "",
            "aButtons": [ {
                    "sExtends": "copy",
                    "sButtonText": "Copy"
                    "sExtends":    "collection",
                    "sButtonText": "Save as...",
                    "aButtons":    [ {
                            "sExtends": "xls",
                            "oSelectorOpts": {
                                page: 'current'
                            //Columns to export as data, exluded Action column
                            "mColumns": "visible"
                        }, {
                            "sExtends": "pdf",
                            "sButtonText": "PDF",
                            //Columns to export as data, exluded Action column
                            "mColumns": "visible"

        var table = $('#report').dataTable( dataTableOptions );

        var tt = new $.fn.dataTable.TableTools( table, tableToolsOptions );

        $( tt.fnContainer() ).insertBefore('div.dataTables_wrapper');
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