Call jquery function from datatable cell

Call jquery function from datatable cell

nono123nono123 Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

There is probably a very simple fix for this...I am trying to make a jquery call when clicking on a datatable cell.

Where should I include the jquery 'click ' event definition?
I tried inserting it in 'initComplete' event, it works when first loading the table but not when the table is filtered (as initComplete is not reloaded)

I tried in 'fnDrawCallback', this also works but unfortunately for some reason 'fnDrawCallback' gets called twice when first loading the table (therefore 'are you sure' message gets called twice).

What am I doing wrong here? What is the correct way of calling a function from within a datatable cell?

Thanks for your help.

$('.deleteannonce').on("click", function(event)
    if (confirm("Are you sure ?"))

    var post_array = 
        "id_annonce"    : $(this).data("annonce"),     

    $.post(baseUrl + "/annonce/ajax_delete_annonce", post_array,



$('#annonces').dataTable( {
"ajax": baseUrl+"/annonce/ajax_list_annonces",
                aoColumns: [
                        { mData: 'id_annonce' },
                        { mData: 'id_annonce',
                "render": function ( data, type, full, meta ) {             
                return '<a class="deleteannonce" data-annonce="'+ data +'">Delete</a>';
    } );
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