Paging Server Side Processing / XML

Paging Server Side Processing / XML

ArtensArtens Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited January 2018 in Free community support

Hello there,

I have a problem which I can't figure out.

I'm using datatables server side processing to get data from a postgresql database. It works great but there is a problem with the pagination.

I display 25 row for each page, when i switch from page 1 to 2 there is no problem, but the count of all my data is 50, so I want the pagination to stop at 2 but datatable display page 3/4/5 which are empty.

So here is my question, how can I have the right pagination ?

Here is the code of my datatable creation :

dataTableElement = $('#tablename').DataTable({
        "serverSide": true,
        "info": false,
        "iDisplayLength": 25,
        "ajax" : {
            "url" : "/",
            "type" : "POST",
            "data" : {
                request : 'request',
                element : element,
                page : page,
                historicSearch : historicSearch,
                "source" : 'datatable'
            "dataSrc" : "objects",
            "dataFilter" : XML2JSON
        "language": {
            "lengthMenu": "Afficher _MENU_ éléments par page",
            "zeroRecords": "Aucun élément.",
            "infoEmpty": "Rien à afficher.",
            "search": "Rechercher : ",
            "paginate": {
              "previous": "Précédent",
              "next": "Suivant"
        "columnDefs": [
            {"name": "0", "targets": 0},
            {"name": "1", "targets":1},
            {"name": "2", "targets":2},
            {"name": "3", "targets":3},
            {"name": "4", "targets":4},
            {"name": "5", "targets": 5},
            {"name": "6", "targets": 6},
            {"name": "7", "targets": 7},
            {"name": "8", "targets": 8},
            {"name": "9", "targets": 9},
            {"name": "10", "targets": 10},
            {"name": "11", "targets": 11},
            {"name": "12", "targets": 12},
            {"name": "13", "targets": 13}
        conditionalPaging: true,
        "columns": [
            {data: "0", title: "0"},
            {data: "1", title: "1"},
            {data: "2", title: "2"},
            {data: "3", title: "3"},
            {data: "4", title: "4"},
            {data: "5", title: "5"},
            {data: "6", title: "6"},
            {data: "7", title: "7"},
            {data: "8", title: "8"},
            {data: "9", title: "9"},
            {data: "10", title: "10"},
            {data: "11", title: "11"},
            {data: "12", title: "12"},
            {data: "13", title: "13"}
        "order": [[ order, "asc" ]]

I'm using XML to get the data which will be display like that :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <timestamp>2018-01-15 11:35:24</timestamp>
        <datetime>15/01/2018 11:35:24</datetime>
        <objects pkey="id" total="2">
            <object id="1">
                <attr name="0">0</attr>
                <attr name="1">1</attr>
                <attr name="2">2</attr>
                <attr name="3">3</attr>
                <attr name="4">4</attr>
                <attr name="5">5</attr>
                <attr name="6">6</attr>
                <attr name="7">7</attr>
                <attr name="8">8</attr>
                <attr name="9">9</attr>
                <attr name="10">10</attr>
                <attr name="11">11</attr>
                <attr name="12">12</attr>
                <attr name="13">13</attr>
            <object id="3">
                <attr name="0">0</attr>
                <attr name="1">1</attr>
                <attr name="2">2</attr>
                <attr name="3">3</attr>
                <attr name="4">4</attr>
                <attr name="5">5</attr>
                <attr name="6">6</attr>
                <attr name="7">7</attr>
                <attr name="8">8</attr>
                <attr name="9">9</attr>
                <attr name="10">10</attr>
                <attr name="11">11</attr>
                <attr name="12">12</attr>
                <attr name="13">13</attr>

The XML2JSON function transform XML into JSON, so I can get every parameters I want, like "recordsTotal" which I think is the key of the problem.

Here is the display of JSON I have :


So what can I do to have the right pagination in my page ?

Many regards,



  • colincolin Posts: 15,161Questions: 1Answers: 2,588

    Hi Artens,

    The problem is with the returned data, it's not quite right for several reasons:

    1. your "objects" array should be a "data" array
    2. you correctly specified "recordsTotal", but you also need the mandatory field "recordsFiltered" - for you, both should be the same value.
    3. "draw" is also a mandatory field, so that needs to be specified (this will be "1" for you)

    This page on server-side processing will help.

    Hope that helps,



  • ArtensArtens Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0

    Thanks for your answer, my problem is solved :smile:

This discussion has been closed.