Advanced redrawing a table or an alternative?

Advanced redrawing a table or an alternative?

D19cannonD19cannon Posts: 15Questions: 3Answers: 0

Hi guys!

Sorry for asking for help again. I asked a similar question before not too long ago, however, this is a slightly different.

About two weeks ago I asked for some help to run a custom function continuously till it hits the end. Problem in that situation was the async/await function. Now I am still doing the same what not a big problem is. However, I need to draw the table a bit in advance before adding extra information.

In my codepen you will find a very similar situation and the buttons pretty much explain what I am trying to accomplish.

So in short, how do I update my entire table and not one page at a time like in the example of my 2nd button.

Thanks in advance!


  • colincolin Posts: 15,163Questions: 1Answers: 2,588

    Hi @D19cannon ,

    Your code seems to be working with the data, rather than the table. You can use the DataTables API to manage the table and update the data, functions like rows().every(), or callbacks createdRow and drawCallback. It would be worth familiarising yourself with those in case that offers a better path.



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